Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I Could Do That

The goal of this blog is to chronicle one woman's journey to actually follow through on a lifelong attitude of "I could do that" and see if I truly can! 

It all started with a craft show when I was about 7 years old and just a few simple words from my mom: "Oh Jenny, we could make that". This was my cue to put my money away and move away from whatever crafty objects had caught my eye (usually Barbie related). Sadly, the various coveted craft projects were never attempted. These few words stuck with me, unfortunately, so did the complete lack of follow through. 

Well, I've grown up and now have three girls of my own. I found myself saying those fateful words to my oldest (currently 3) the other day when talking about a headband and I decided the time had come to actually put my money where my mouth was. From the sheer success of Pinterest (and from the humorous memes that pinpoint how common it is to post with intent but absolutely zero follow through), I am now aware that I'm not alone in my affliction.

So join me as I enter the world of all things crafty. I'm sure it will be interesting to discover which of the many things I've always said I can do will come to fruition and which will epically fail.

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